Training Guide


Effectively managing your invoicing processes is vital for the business. By following our step-by-step guides, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of how to utilise Blupath's invoicing capabilities, enabling you to generate, track, and manage invoices with precision.

Invoice Header Image

Loads, Service Orders, & Invoicing


Service Order Page

  1. When a load is created, a matching Service Order is also generated. For invoicing, some data comes from the Load (billable rate), and some comes from the Service Order itself (extras, e.g., additional stop, forklift, etc.). These extras are managed by the Item Master in the Setup Menu (link to item master).
  2. Before a load is delivered and marked as complete, the matching Service Order will have the status 'In-Progress'—you can edit the data, for example, by adjusting the billable rate on the load or adding an extra item to the Service Order, such as an additional stop. The data on a Service Order can be edited right up until an invoice is created from it.
  3. Only 'Completed' Service Orders can be invoiced—this occurs once the POD documents have been accepted.

Invoicing Page

  1. The invoicing page displays all the Service Orders that have been completed (i.e., delivered loads with correct documents). From here, you can navigate back to the Service Order and, from there, back to the Load.
  2. You can add a Purchase Order number to the Service Order on the invoice screen by selecting the checkbox on the left and clicking the 'Update order number' button.
  3. Here, you can create an invoice from the completed service orders. If any information is missing, it will be highlighted in red on the invoice—this information needs to be added against the customer master data (link to editing a customer).

Guide One

Understanding Service Orders


A Service Order (SO) in Blupath represents a service or product delivered to a customer. Blupath offers two default Service Order types: LOAD and SORD, the former for load-related items and the latter for non-load related services. Whenever a Load is generated through the Transportation Management System (TMS), a corresponding Service Order is automatically generated. These Service Orders play a crucial role in invoicing clients for the provided services or products.

Guide Two

Understanding Item Master


Service Orders help organize items you can charge for, and you set them up in the Item Master menu. For example, under a Service Order like 'Load,' you can specify 'Forklift' as a specific item, so when you send an invoice for a load, the forklift service can be listed as a separate charge 

Guide Three

Invoicing a Single Service Order


If you need to manually upload the POD to a load (because it was not done via the mobile app) you can do so on the 'Proof of Delivery' menu. Please make sure to still Submit or Accept the POD after is has been uploaded.

Guide Four

Invoice Multiple Service Orders


To generate a consolidated invoice from multiple service orders, ensure they share the same order type, customer, and, if applicable, purchase order (PO) number. In case a service order lacks a PO number, you can add one directly from the Invoice screen.

Guide Five

Issuing a Credit Note


A Credit Note starts off as a Service Order where all the details of the particular credit are added. In order to create a credit note a 'Service Order Type' needs to exist for it. If you need to add a new Service Order Type it can be done in the 'Company Config' in the 'Admin' menu in the 'View Company Account' option. Once the Credit Note has been created in the Service Order menu change the Service Order to status to 'Complete' for it to appear in the Invoice menu. The following guide will show you how to do this.


Master Data Management


Operational Actions


The Mobile App


Getting Started